The way you speak about your daughter is disrespectful. It is an over reach. I found out she continues to socialize with him regularly. Im so glad you posted this because Im going through this right now with my family. The fact that hes talking about her simply means that shes on his mind. Yeah, then its obvious hes still not over her. At my daughters high school graduation my ex father-in-law tried to engage me in cordial conversation. Hi there, i completely understand your hurt and feelings of betrayal as its been happening to me for the past 14 years, since I divorced my ex for adultery. he said he loved her but does this mean he still does? My daughter did everything in her power to save their marriage, but he would not go to marriage counseling and continued to drink and be verbally and emotionally abusive to her and the children. Im Sorry your family like your ex more than you.Maybe you are just a bit of a battle axe ? I dont have family, finance left because my family didnt want him, still single and believing that someday, I will belong to a family too. Even after marriage he refused to have a joint account and denied me access to money. But when we married, he decided to no longer speak to us. Maybe you could have a talk with just your sister and tell her how you feel. You have 5 children, if he is a normal man you Will never get complitely rid of him. It is awkward at family functions when both of us are around. "Both parties have to have some understanding and empathy for what the other has been going through and why things didnt work out. If you have any concerns, bring them up with your partner! I dont have Facebook because hed stock me, but my family is on there. I was not even invited to my nieces wedding! My sister is friends with him on Facebook of which she says they only message about work related things and no mention of the past meaning me and my daughter . My opinion is that you are not being honest about your behaviour. Why? Look no further as much as love you family, consider them as number one enemy to your peace and happiness. Your opinion of him means nothing, and his actions speak volume beyond your petty and shameful argument. He also assaulted my Stepfather, threatened my Mother and yet my Dads side of the family saw him as the victim and me as in the wrong due to my mental problems! My own brother would not uninvite him to his wedding. Why should someone have to sever ties with their in-laws after divorce? I am very happy in my relationship, he is a much nicer person, yet i still feel so crappy about this ex situation and i dont know how to resolve the issue, if I talked to her about it she wouldnt react well, I know that. And if you dont like this for whatever reason, its a very bad sign. Make sure you're trying to stay friends with an ex's family for the right reasons. He is enjoying creating these problems for you. I have my sons wedding this weekend and I am sure he will be there so I will have to put on that fake smile I so learned to use while married to him and just work my way through it. That was my other issue about that the whole thing kind of prevents the new partner from being incorporated in a way that feels like theres enough space for them. when I met her, she claimed to be separated for 4 years already, yet she still lived with her ex, at the beginning I didnt complained, after seeing that she was being very complasive with her ex, I started to ask her to leave her exes house and come to live at mine, so she did, but she kept on going back, every time that I asked her why she would do that, she would find a reason, every time we had misunderstandings, shell end up spending the night there. "text": "It becomes awkward for you to see your ex at your familys events. There is absolutely no explanation for their choices, they can no longer use its for the kids because it most certainely is not. She did not always tell the truth. My parents split and remarried me and my siblings were brought up with warring, immature adults and so unless people get ill or educated why should there be any need for enlightenment and change? You will always see him at graduations and weddings for your kids. "acceptedAnswer": { I do believe in karma and although I wouldnt wish anything on them I hope one day life does something that makes them understand how hurtful their actions were. She is helping him fight against you?! Start going and act like you are perfectly fine with him being there. Sadly life is not a movie and families are not perfect and considerate towards out feelings. If I hadnt kept close with my Ex-son-in-law, my grandson would be a distant memory. Her ex husband is not entitled to them. From now on, disappear his ex wife out of your emotional life by refusing to let her actions affect your peace of mind. I had to fight off a TPO that later the judge threw out. I would have no problems if my family had a good relationship with my ex before and after the divorce but over the years they never expressed any interest on hanging out with him until now. Hes not one hundred percent committed to the relationship. Friends and family couldnt and wouldnt believe the truth of what he had done. Its very tough to pretend. She married too to another man, bu she still contact him 2-3 times a month after i married with him.. There are ways to stay in touch without hanging out frequently, and this might be a better arrangement if friendship with an ex's family upsets either your new partner or your ex. Unless you tell you family how this hurts you, its likely theyll never change. I remember when my older sisters stopped seeing boyfriends that Id got to know really well and not being able to believe Id have to say goodbye to them forever. But theres a way to work around that; that doesnt involve you/her kicking your/her ex out of your/there life entirely. I think you need to be very clear with your family and your ex that you need to set, and get to set, boundaries now that youre divorced. The only reason you have custody of your children is because youve spent your entire life psychologically manipulating and abusing others. Boy that felt good to get off my chest! You dont overcome it you just find a way to deal with it. It is left for me to forgive and accept him back, he has been calling my phone for days, sending a lot of messages. So sorry to hear I am not alone. I do not like being around him since he thinks he can still tell me what to do, how to do it and when to do it. She should not be demanding that her family cut him off. Ever since they dated when she was a teen, I had a close relationship with him. Am I wrong for telling my nephew how this has hurt me and that if he allows the two of them to come and stay in his home ( my family) I will not come back to visit. Someone has free choice to support you or not but that doesnt take away the truth of what I have said above. He said he felt bad for doing it. Trying to dig out of the depression is hard, doing whats best for you is near impossible. You need to control your reaction. They form bonds. Remarried now for 4 years. You should feel happy that his family are the type to grow bonds with the familial partners. Me and my ex had five kids in the house all together a set of twins where mine biological kids with her. LRBTexas, because if you choose him we have to say our goodbyes its tough love. } The family is way out of line. He would belittle all efforts made and made sure that I knew that everything else came before me. he has been invited to two upcoming weddings even though I asked them not to, so we can enjoy our family without seeing him, hoping to get my family back. Despite the fact that the 30 something year old still continues to hate me. We were 2 months from the divorce hearing. Ive been dating Tom for 1 year and our relationship is perfect, but it bothers me a little how close Nina is to his family. I do have the support of my very elderly parents, who are deeply hurt by my sisters choices as they have asked the same of them and their wishes have been ignored. Its not easy. I hope they will one day understand. Take care. My in-laws also continue to have a relationship with the ex. So here is my dilemma, if it really is one. We have been married for nine. You can also be honest that you dont like the fact she still visits and that you would rather they didnt bring her up in conversation while youre there. I dont expect you to disown your own blood but that doesnt mean we are still cool. Maybe finding yourself a new hubby that will do the same with your family. A large part of your Ex wanting to cozy up, (more than ever it seems) to your side of the family, is what someone else wrote- they are narcissistic and they know part of it is to shut you out, and show your family how great he/she is and that the breakup was more your fault than theirs because he/she is such a great person. She dumped him, just like the woman in the OP. It ends then or when you leave. But you do know that unless there was some extraordinary circumstance that forged the alliance between the ex and the mom, the uncomfortable feeling you haveis entirely intentional on their part, right? After running to save my life and my children, losing a teenager to parental alienation because I didnt allow under age drinking, drugs, and joy riding. Some if these families sound so toxic. I got full custody and allowed him and his family visitation. All are grown adults, respect each others opinion to disagree. Every Saturday John joins 9Honey exclusively to answer your questions on love and relationships. Most of his family spoke poorly of her during their time together and it seems to really be one aunt in particular who invited her to all the family functions. I believe she said she did talk to a professional and thats what the PROFESSIONAL labeled them. Well, long story short, my family knew about the abusive. I hope he doesnt do this to hurt you. When he went on vacation to France, he referred to a woman named Peggy, he told me that he is no longer interested in our marriage. Ten years later, I moved back home and nothing has changed. Breakups can be rough, and it's particularly rough when you've gotten attached to an ex's family. My mother in law was going to move her back here and into her home we had heard through the grapevine. You need to cut off the whole regime if need be or you will never move on with your life and have peace of mind. but the family stands with her, and no contact he is out of the picture the adult kids still have contact but not my cousin.. So to say if you are in the rigth or in the wrong is next to impossible to say becuse well its only your words and its mostly about your emotional well bining. Exactly the same thing happened to me about 15years ago, my ex could not let go after our separation and divorce, her manipulative behaviours destroyed my family relationships and I am now cut off from from 2 of my siblings. Just my two cents. I have become the identified patient in my family, the one who is scapegoated to draw attention away from the familys true inner conflicts, true problem behaviors, and their perpetrators. I am a very private person. She is 8 now. I figure, I can offer my life as a guide and a lens for others to view themselves and move along their own path. They still love each other.. thats still her mom and she will always b our moms daughter.. oh did I forget to mention shes my sister I probably also for got to left me for our father.. Maybe its because you never explained why you feel so negative towards your ex, but you genuinely sound like a bad person. He agreed, but still, would fly her and my daughter down to his place for the weekend. They never showed much interest in my brother or his children and after I ended contact they quickly lost what little interest they had. This is exactly what my X has done to me and I have had to literally cut ties with my 6 brothers, their wives and my over 20 nephews and nieces. I needed to be alone, not to find a guy. Maybe you should as k yourself why you want to go. I am so sorry thats your sister did what she did at Thanksgiving. I now see that during the 17 years of marriage my husband planted little seeds of poison about me. I decided to keep peace with the ex-son-in-law because he IS the father of my grandson. Your kids had nothing to do with you two splitting up. I live near my ex in-laws and remain close to my mother-in-law, and the exs nieces and nephews, and one of his cousins. I am totally going through the same thing and it is completely nuts! This article seems to be a few years old, so hopefully you have reached out and found some boundaries that your family members respect or found some new, supportive and loyal non- blood relatives to be your real family! I love them, they will always be my family but I have decided to not involve myself with them. IF more people could do joint child rearing, kids would be so much more better off. I to am in the same struggle. Sounds like it to me. I just found out that he talked to hes mom about her and that she blocked him witch means their were in contacted When you think youre the only one, it can be a lonely place. He truly can't stop thinking of her, however much he may try, and you feel like you're the third wheel. This too has been my life for 8 years. A good man, a good father. Its not on them to always reach out. His ex is still in your lives by hanging out with his family and she's being talked about in front of you. Bur I would hope that you can rise above the natural pangs of jealousy and take a higher road to the future. What Went Wrong? But the factthathe still thinks about her, and that he still loves his ex, does NOT mean that he does not love you or that he doesnt want a relationship with you. Yet she has my Ex over to fix her house and he has playdates with my nephews. I was better off when we werent speaking. Now if I had been battling all these years to see the person I once called daughter, than I would expect better treatment from my family. Im trying to remember and reflect on the example that Jesus gave Even his own brothers didnt believe what he said, and thought he was crazy. etc. They shouldnt have to cut off their relationship with him for no other reason than that she doesnt want to be around him. The family is 100% in the wrong. So what if your siblings and mother dont stop loving him like you did. I am not a prude and was not denying him, it is that he has some major problems. Again Im told that her pain in her divorce is not different from my pain. In fact, they supported and continue to support him. But that family is now also his extended family. I believe extended families develop these close relationships with ex spouses just to inflict hurt and pain. My mom has gone as far as telling me thats it is my fault and Im at fault for the feelings I have, my family wanted nothing to do with my ex until the death of my twin. I have always been there for this sister, financially, emotionally and every way possible. I would never go to his familys holiday celebrations or take vacations with them. I'll bring the and soda, this will be fun to watch. Who do you think you are? "You should only be friends with an exs family if youve processed the breakup and have your emotional and social ducks in a row." Those are good signs. It is an eye revealer and you should thank God for exposing them. My family is highly toxic , mentally ,physically abusive . It has happened to me so I just keep away from them. For the third sign, I need a little bit of your female intuition. I dont talk to my sister anymore because of this (shes done worse). One of the first big holidays after my divorce was Thanksgiving. EIGHT of those friends are my family, including my mother. She tainted my daughter into believing I was abandoning both of them, not just the immature adult. Exactly. It is a sad situation, because he was emotionally abusive and our marriage toxic, and I had to divorce. I feel you. But what if it goes on for a week or more? I said this very nicely and said please do what you want to do my choice doesnt have to be your choice.There have not been any issues thus far but we live a very long distance apart and no major events have happened yet ie graduations weddings etc. I dont talk to or see my family anymore. My youngest sister did this and I quit speaking to her. Your siblings are selfish not putting themselves in your shoes. Families should be loyal to their relatives. That she didnt get mad when I would hang out with my dad. To be able to act so cruelly to a blood relative is just abusive. Even post-divorce for so many years, my husbands brother continues to choose his ex-wife over a relationship with his brother. i had same issue with my abusive ex. What good is your family if they make you feel a certain way around them. Here's what the experts say you need to ask and what to look out for that might spell trouble in the relationship. Since they chose him, I am no longer part of the family. I had the amazing blessing to find a therapist, time to heal and just let go of them all. She sucked quite a bit of money out of me over the years and completely destroyed my credit. They only know your Ex because of you And while I can certainly live without the likes of her, its my parents going along with it that hurts the most. Since the move, my little sister has also gotten really close to my ex. It wouldnt go over well at all, but is that what it would take? She had none of these issues. I hope you held your head high and went on your own path without any of them I feel very isolated. He would talk shit about me to my family when things got rocky in our marriage and after we split. And that they had something going on longer than I thought. It looks as though I am already being alienated from my niece and nephew and blamed for causing emotional stress for them and feel manipulated into returning to toe the line. I was confused. You are too deep in the mud to see the mud clearly. Am I unreasonable to want my family to cut ties with him and support me and my decision? When we see his sister at his mums shes always talking about his ex and what theyve been doing together. 2.1K opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. A controlling, abusive one who wants to remain connected to try and continue to control and punish you by any means possible which is why I took the difficult decision to break contact. This same scenario happens when there are NO children involved. When i divorced my ex (he was emotionally abusive) my Dad, Stepmum and siblings supported him over me. Many exes dont want boundaries. In court, it was obvious because he kept trying use their relationship against me in court! I thought I was alone until I found these posts. She stayed in. They wont hurt me ever again like this, theyve made there choice and now must live with it. Sorry, but I am not into rewarding bad behavior. My family has fed him. Other than my mom, they all are friends with him. You had a relationship with them and have wonderful children who also want a relationship with them. I dont find it unreasonable at all. Some people are just that nice. She doesnt know the really bad things he did to me, if she did she certainly would not be his friend, but of course I would not tell her as it would be horrible for him and could possibly affect his relationship if she new what that man is capable of. However, there isnt peace about it, I miss my family and have no dealings with them whilst my ex husband is still around with another new girlfriend. Plus, we all hang out a lot and he was able to see that my actions matched my words. However, he will be ensuring he is coming across as caring, great father. It sounds like your family knows my family!!! That they are YOUR family and he has his own. I wish you find some peace, soon. And P.S. We both attend school conferences and events and make big decisions regarding the kids together. Try to learn how to accept. Stop blaming others for your choices. It was our decision for how and when we shared this news, based on our relationship with our exes. In short, he hasnt fully processed the whole situation yet. My Mother never said a word to me..HER Daughter. 7th of 9 siblings. Do I really have to explain that to you???!!! It gets tricky and can put everyone in a difficult situation. Her family should support her. You choose to bring this person to be part of the family, now he is, but that means that you cant just get rid of him, because guess what, he is family and that doesnt change because you dont like him enough anymore. This is on her. When youve had a long relationship with someone, and the relationship suddenly ends Of course, your feelings for that person dont suddenly just go away after a couple of months. People make choices. He acted as though there was nothing wrong with him. Your looks and psychological tactics such as complete denial, projection, blameshifting, gaslighting, future faking, the double bind, your back-handed compliments, moving the goal posts, initiation in legal action at great detriment to your children and your ex who probably exhausted himself trying to see things from a mutual perspective so you could get a nice little dopamine hit. Your email address will not be published. Just saying. If I say anything, then all future visiting will be drained by that cloud of despise. But if she finds it upsetting, she just needs to explain that to them, so that they avoid inviting him to family events. But Jesus Christ I was in that grown man shoes trust me. Most Helpful Opinions. I have been divorced for 7 years and bad custody battle as well. I explained to her thati need a safe support space separate from him. He is doing this just to hurt me. think they would ever believe there was a completely different side to him. God Bless! I totally feel your pain. Its incredibly painful. My mom says Im the most heartless, greedy, selfish person who cares about no one but myself and she dont want to be around my ugly behavior! Should I tell Tom or his family? Its your life. Yes!!! Ive read other stories about women whove made the decision, for entirely selfish reasons, that they would like to be single again, and are flummoxed when they realise that their friends and family are less than supportive. My bf said that if he had the chance he would hangout with his exs family because they were there for him during a rough time and he respects them for that. I quit Talking to my family as much about my personal life/feelings because I didnt trust them as much. So, dont burn bridges.!!! Your inability to keep a promise has no bearing on their relationship with him. Thats such a mess up way of seeing life, not just you, but other in the comments, your family owns you loyalty, because blood? You are likely out of tough with reality! you have to walk away.. if you go to church, especially non denominational, you make new family. She's there for a reason. From what I had found out later on.. Because this would be a decision she wanted to make, and all I want is for her to be happy. Either way i think its disrespectful and hurtful.Would they still invite her if he had a girlfriend there? I realise my ex was running me down for years. But do not settle for a friends with benefits (FWB) relationship with him. The last 4-5 years together we BOTH knew our marriage was over we didnt sleep in the same room, we barely spoke, we didnt go out together, etc. Its been over a year now and my family invites my Ex to bbqs, etc and is soo happy that he got a new girlfriend. You did. My sister and my children(not his children) kept close with my ex who cheated on me 7 times and admitted doing it. Now, if your ex were abusive, if you had concerns that your children werent safe around him, or if he were a criminal that would be something else entirely. You are foremost his Aunt and family so your feelings should come first. Do you think they blame him for the break up? You should not have to put up with this and they dont deserve you in their lives. That is why I advocate for being completely honest IF they ask. Its known as cohesive control. I dont think you are being unreasonable at all. It might take him a very long time to completely let go of his ex. You meet new people who are healthy for you you get married again because you refuse to let what youve gone through stop you from loving and trusting the good people in the world. Me down for years than i thought i was abandoning both of them i feel very.... Siblings and mother dont stop loving him like you did they chose him just. 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