What are the ions of which it is composed? Listen to Herbie Hancock's Maiden Voyage performed by Herbie Hancock, and consider the following questions: https://open.spotify.com/track/0T1EaGm6b9eM7xBf4F1hlc There is an introduction to this. * State flags will soon be available for free. Discussion Questions and Assignments for using the whole movie. The cases are Missouri v. Frye, 132 Supreme Court Reporter 1399 (2012) and Laffler v. Cooper 132 Supreme Court Reporter 1376 (2012). Conduct a discussion on whether or not plea bargaining should be replaced with a system which allows defendants only two choices: pleading guilty or going to trial; have the class evaluate the pros and cons of each system. Besides courageous, what kind of qualities would you use to describe Dee? The movie begins with a mother waking and is trying to get her kids ready she is cooking breakfast and He had a family with a wife and three young children. TALKING AND PLAYING WITH MOVIES: AGES 3-8, FILM ADAPTATIONS OF NOVELS, SHORT STORIES, OR PLAYS, FICTION (SOAPS, DRAMAS, AND REALITY/SURVIVAL SHOW). ZIP FILE INCLUDES: Notes on the impact of westward expansion on Native Americans in the late 1800s (PDF)Worksheet with reading & questions on the reservation system, forced assimilation, and quotes from Native American leaders abo, Are all revolutions violent? Answers will vary: Some may suggest that general racist attitudes are responsible. 3. Ms. Roberts agrees to become the plaintiff in a lawsuit brought to stop the abuse and endures difficulties and tests before the case succeeds. John will talk about what life was like for a slave in the 19th century United States, and how slaves resisted oppression, to the degree that was possible. The actors portraying them in the film do an excellent job of portraying the whole spectrum of these flaws. Pre-made digital activities. How does the War on Drugs affect families of today? I think we would be better off if we were more concrete, we talked about real problems, and we actually used a language that got us away from these overused terms that actually dont mean that much. Plea bargaining serves practical interests for most stakeholders: The U.S. Supreme Court, in a 2012 case, held that that: To a large extent horse trading [between prosecutor and defense counsel] determines who goes to jail and for how long. Even if an innocent defendant resists pressure from the government to accept a plea bargain, the defendant may have to pay a heavy price to maintain his or her innocence. Here are some fun French worksheets to help teach your students how to identify, print, and build color words.Included in this pack are 10 worksheets for the following french colors; Cap (2 Versions)5. shows to win money for school. 2. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. Possible problems with showing the entire film are minor there are some threatening domestic altercations between Ms. Roberts and her former husband which may be disturbing to some children. The defendant forgoes the right to a trial and the requirement that he be convicted by a unanimous jury. This usually can be determined by checking on how the lawyer has treated other clients and thoroughly interviewing him or her. Research the protection against illegal search and seizure found in the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and write an expository essay in which you address its relationship to the issue of drug sweeps raised in American Violet. Racism has not magically disappeared. It contains 27 questions based on a Crash Course U.S. History video and the History.com website. I was provided with a pre-release review copy of the film to watch, and was told I could keep the DVD. This sort of thing does indeed still happen in America. That is what plea bargaining is. Alex was a middle-class man in his early 30s who was in the import-export business. I have included 15 different stereotypes and myths that have been seen in advertising, sports, and even in lessons on history and Native Americans. But this outrage only serves to make her more human, since it is always provoked in defense of her four small children. Evaluate the plea bargaining system, describe the public policies which it serves and the public policy compromises that it requires, and express and justify an opinion about whether the plea bargaining system is, overall, good public policy, Students can research and write a formal essay or create a class presentation on the prisoners dilemma.. Set in the midst of the 2000 presidential election, American Violet tells the story of a young mother named Dee Roberts ( Nicole Beharie ), a 24-year-old African-American single mother of four living in the town of Melody (based on Hearne, Texas ). She works at a local diner, and enters hair. Each Guide is designed to highlight the episodes big ideas, prompt rich classroom discussion, and cement student learning. American Violet tells Kelly's story from the perspective of "Dee Roberts" (portrayed admirably by Nicole Beharie). (2. TWO CONTRASTING TRADITIONS RELATING TO RACISM IN AMERICA and a Tragic Irony of the American Revolution: the Sacrifice of Freedom for the African-American Slaves on the Altar of Representative Democracy. End of preview. Then I have illustrated and e, This film is part of the "Representation Film Project." As we speak, there is an African-American vice president. The ACLU lawyer is portrayed as a white knight, helping the powerless; but even he shows doubts when Dee asks if any of this will actually do any good. They often hold stereotypes of pre-colonial African societies as having been small, violent, technologically deprived, poor, quaint people who were tragically destined to be dominated by more civilized European groups. American Violet has the hex code #551B8C. A Traditional Triad Color Scheme uses three evenly spaced Hues on the Basic Color Wheel. But the movie's powerful message on the role racism plays in the Drug War will likely horrify you just the same. Research shows that compared to girls, boys in the U.S. are more likely to be diagnosed with a beha, This clip art bundle includes fifteen beautiful clip art images of the world's most famous artwork. (2, Access to our library of course-specific study resources, Up to 40 questions to ask our expert tutors, Unlimited access to our textbook solutions and explanations. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. The ACLU protects the Constitution by taking on cases that sometimes require it to represent people who are despised by society. Violet Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - Violet. What can a defendant do about this problem? American Violet Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay Teachers Browse american violet resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for American Violet Video Worksheet 1. Our resource library includes teacher-created games, practical hands-on activities, and engaging guided lessons to help kids learn while having fun. - From The Representation ProjectThis video guide comes. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. The movie is based on the true story of two women who were accused of I say that the best way to address this issue is to address it forthrightly, and straightforwardly, and embrace the complicated history and the complicated presence of America. That can't happen in Texas anymore. We'll hear about cotton plantations, violent punishment of slaves, day to day slave life, and slave rebellions. 3. The Court held that In todays criminal justice system, therefore, the negotiation of a plea bargain, rather than the unfolding of a trial, is almost always the critical point for a defendant. The Court also observed that, To note the prevalence of plea bargaining is not to criticize it. Agreeing to the plea bargain (which would leave her with a felony record for selling drugs in a school zone) would immediately return her to her children. In most jurisdictions, the judge who will preside over the trial is not permitted to be involved in the plea bargain. Listen to Herbie Hancock's Maiden Voyage performed by Herbie Hancock, and consider the following questions: https://open.spotify.com/track/0T1EaGm6b9eM7xBf4F1hlc There is an introduction to this, Which of these views do you believe is the most appropriate for our times and its challenges, thinking in terms of "originalism" vs. "living constitution" interpretation? For a copy in word processing format, click here. Listed are the artwork included: La Plume, Amerian Gothic, Girl with a Pearl Earring, Lady with Ermine, Mona Lisa, The Wave, Two Girls on a Terrance, Van Gogh's 1887 Self Portrait, Madame X, Sunflowers (1888), Milkmaid, Woman with a Veil, Crossing the Alps, and Violet. 1. What regulations do you think can be put in place to see that the governments task of controlling illegal substances can be aligned with an individuals civil rights? Rationale This can also take the form of a debate pro or con on the proposition: Plea bargaining should be replaced with a criminal justice system in which plea bargaining would not be allowed and an accused person could only plead guilty or go to trial. 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Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. Cation formula: Anion formula: question 51 (1 point) What is the purpose of automation and orchestration? Evaluate the role of the ACLU in American society. American Violet Questions The American Civil Liberties Union, or the ACLU, is an important driving force in American Violet, giving Dee the resources and confidence necessary to fight TPT empowers educators to teach at their best. a definition of plea bargaining In a plea bargain, the defendant gets a reduced sentence or the dismissal of some of the charges; in return, the defendant must plead guilty or no contest to one or more crimes; when a person accused of a crime enters into a plea bargain, he or she waives certain constitutional rights; almost all criminal cases (95%, according to the U.S. Supreme Court) end in a plea bargain, not a trial; it is up to prosecutors to decide whether to charge someone with a crime or what particular crime to charge them with. One big difference from these earlier films, however, is that the events which inspired American Violet happened in the year 2000. American Violet tells the story of legal injustice and systemic, institutionalized racism -- and the struggle to overcome such prejudice. (Names can be changed to be culturally relevant for any student population. Give your students new perspectives on race relations, on the history of the American Revolution, and on the contribution of the Founding Fathers to the cause of representative democracy. [A strong essay will include the following points: (1) success for either side depends upon the skill of the attorneys in negotiating not just the guilt or innocence of the accused; (2) prosecutors are not required to disclose any problems with their evidence; (3) prosecutors are eager for plea bargains because it results in an easy conviction, and prosecutors are judged on the number of convictions they achieve; (4) in certain situations some defense attorneys may not want to advocate strongly for their clients because the defense attorneys have to work with the prosecutors on other cases; (5) the accused may feel pressure to agree because of the disruption and cost of a trial. Students at any level who see this section of the movie may ask to see the rest of the film, which contains several important lessons about the power of an individual to resist injustice and to right a wrong through the legal system. So we have a complicated situation. Get access to all 2 pages and additional benefits: Do you prefer the perspective oforiginalismor do you believe more in a living constitution? Which is the whole point. Start the class by asking students to define plea bargaining and to describe a situation that they know about in which someone was offered a plea bargain. After refusing to agree to a plea bargain, the films heroine is bailed out of jail by her mother. I wouldn't really call it peculiar. Much of the action can be interpreted through visual cues, which supports our world language students. The movie American Violet does an excellent job of demonstrating both personal (individual) and institutional racism. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Why does Dee think she is getting arrested? He said that if Alex agreed to plead guilty the police officer could get the prosecutor to recommend a 10-year sentence so that Alex could live with his children again before they grew up. Had the justice system worked, she would have been acquitted; however, given the public defender who had been assigned to her, that was not very likely. She seems very well put together with a good head on her shoulders. One of the key elements in the plea bargain system is the trial penalty, the fact that a defendant who insists on a jury trial and is convicted will get a longer sentence than a defendant who pleads guilty and enters into a plea bargain. Section Four 10 points Directions: Using your knowledge of contract formation and defenses, please review the following scenarios and state whether there is a valid contract, that is an offer, Jim is mad at Sam for stealing his girlfriend, Sue. 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What was the plea deal Dee was offered and what would be the consequence of not accepting it? Do you have information you want to share with HuffPost. Many defendants who are not indigent do not want to pay the costs of a full-scale criminal trial. 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Start the class by asking students to define plea bargaining and to describe a situation that they know about in which someone was offered a plea bargain. If it isnt getting enough light, the leaves will usually reach upward and have long petioles (leaf stems). What he finds instead is a fist-happy cop, Paul Galluzzo, who mistakes Rashad for a shoplifter, mistakes Rashads pleadings that hes stolen nothing for belligerence, mistakes R, This is a film guide to use as a culmination of study on the American Transcendentalists. Answers will vary but the basic concept is that the ACLU protects all of our constitutional rights and sometimes that means protecting the rights of people we do not agree with, or even despise, as when the ACLU protected the rights of Nazis to parade in predominantly Jewish neighborhoods. Several individuals in the movie see Dee only in a negative light because of the decisions she has made. Texas has become the first state to require that confidential informants must be corroborated. Decide whether to organize the post-viewing presentation by presenting the information in the Post-Viewing Enrichment Worksheet for American Violet through direct instruction, by asking the questions in the Snippet Lesson Plan, by having an attorney cover these points and more in a presentation to the class on plea bargains, by having students research the process of plea bargaining on their own, by having students read and respond to the questions in the Worksheet, or by a combination of all five methods. This set includes children signing the following 33 ASL sign language words: 1. The ACLU has been a part of several important cases in the United States since its formation in 1920. 4. For additional discussion questions and assignments for use when the entire movie is shown, see the American Violet Supplemental Materials. How Does the movie begin? Get access to all 3 pages and additional benefits: Do you prefer the perspective oforiginalismor do you believe more in a living constitution? HuffPost's top politics stories, straight to your inbox. (Regina Kelly v. John Paschall) on their site, for those who are interested in the underlying case the movie is based upon. 3. Directed competently by Tim Disney (Walt's great-nephew), American Violet provides no real jolts, either narratively or psychologically. See Preparation Step #2. On the other hand, prosecutors who want to keep up their conviction rates, may agree to plea bargains that dont adequately punish a defendant and dont effectively deter crime. Efforts are now underway to replicate these reforms in other states and at the federal level, and American Violet offers an invaluable vehicle to educate both the public and policymakers on this critical issue. 6. However, plea bargaining spares victims the agony of a trial and the risk of feeling very badly if the defendant is acquitted.]. - The movie begins with the video clips of the place, 5 out of 6 people found this document helpful. Question #2: Defense attorneys usually charge a flat fee for representing a defendant in a criminal case, whether the case goes to trial or there is a plea. Excellent for literature circles or small group instruction in your upper elementary classroom.Take your students on an ama, ASL American Sign Language Kids/Children signing Family Words Signs Clipart Clip Art Line Art + Clip Art. If that isn't enough reason to go see this film, then go see it because it is an impressive and powerful piece of filmmaking that won't disappoint. This SUPER-BUNDLE includes engaging movie guides for ALL 6 episodes. He was in the import-export business and had contacts in foreign countries.) Multicultural Children signing words related to clothing. In other words, law enforcement actions should be based on good police work. The paper has to have a heading, name, class, and date; double spaced, 12 inch front, and typed. Get the free purple coloring page and worksheet here --> https://www.mpmschoolsupplies.com/ideas/7959/free-color-purple-worksheet/ S SupplyMe This makes it easier for them to do their business, and they may be able to get better deals for at least some of their clients in future cases. See also the Assignments in the Snippet Lesson Plan. Students may come up with their own thoughts and all well-reasoned responses are acceptable. All images as shown Do you prefer the perspective oforiginalismor do you believe more in a living constitution? Listen again to Birdland, the famous jazz-rock fusion piece by Weather Report: Wayne Shorter, soprano and tenor saxes; Joe Zawinul, keyboards, piano, vocal, melodica; Jaco Pastorius, electric bass. Select ALL that apply. It was last revised on September 2, 2012. So while American Violet is about as far from the "horror" genre in moviemaking as you can get, audiences may indeed be horrified (or perhaps outraged) at the injustice displayed by one district attorney in Texas. Gloves (2 Versions)10.Hat11.Hoodie12.Jacket (2 Versions-1 is Fingerspelled)13.Jeans (2 Versions-1 is Fingerspelled)14.Mitten15.Nightgown16.Overalls17.Pajamas (2 Ve, Make teaching students about the state of Wisconsin engaging and informative with this Wisconsin state flipbook activity for social studies! The criminal justice system in America enforces the standard conduct our country finds necessary to protect all of its citizens and lower crime. Question #1: For all parties involved, plea bargains trade justice for efficiency. American Violet Analysis Mr Tab the 3rd 7/24/14 Introduction The film American Violet presents a major issue that still exists in todays criminal justice system. Kelly's website (www.reginakelly.com) is one of the best places to get information and links, or you can watch and listen to Kelly tell her own story on YouTube. It is not some adjunct to the criminal justice system; it is the criminal justice system. [emphasis supplied; citation omitted] [Defendants] who do take their case to trial and lose receive longer sentences than even Congress or the prosecutor might think appropriate, because the longer sentences exist on the books largely for bargaining purposes. Word processing format, click here for efficiency found for - Violet class, and ;... 'S story from the perspective oforiginalismor do you have information you want share! And what would be the consequence of not accepting it -- and the struggle overcome!, name, class, and was told I could keep the DVD worksheets found for - Violet in jurisdictions. For all 6 episodes early 30s who was in the import-export business and had in! 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