Check phone number 2. Check second Dip Switch in CDU B/D3. Received a request for over 150 notes dispensing on the Cash Dispenser from the upper unit. Remove a jammed note at the position of the CS13 sensor 3. Remove a dust on the CS13 sensor, 1. Check the status of setting paper 2. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating CS3 Gate detecting sensor. Check Cash Dispenser Firmware Version. Check modem cable 2. Change Cash Dispenser B/D, Error of two sheets detecting sensor(CS5_1) for initializing, 1. Contact telephone company, Use diagnostic or modem test to test modem. Rearrange notes in Cassette3. 2. 1. The upgrade path for each ATM will vary, but for certain - all ATMs will need a software update. CS4 sensor detects note in delivery path before CDU dispenses Sensor is located along the delivery path right before the reject bin. 4. Complete the contact form below and well follow up right away. Check power supply 2. CS13 sensor detects a bill with hole during dispensing. Mount the retract box or open the box cover 2. Verify Routing ID number contact host processor, Verify Terminal ID number contact host processor, Response type mismatch (Withdrawal, Balance, Transfer), Response Type mismatch (Withdrawal/Balance/Transfer), Verify that version of Mini-Bank Software matches host processor. Close the lever of print head completely. 1. 20001. For Use with 6000K Keypads only. Check BIN List, Issuer financial institution is not supported by a processor, Check the transaction from the host and try again. Reconfigure the maximum dispensable count, 1. Phone line connected to ATM will not support Data-communication. 5. 3. Check the condition of the white plastic cassette retaining clips in the dispenser. The specified terminal identifier is invalid. . Exchange Sensor after abnormal operating CS3 Gate detecting Sensor5. Firmware of User program code area is wrong. 4. If error occurs when checking CS11B cable operation, replace a sensor. Check the wiring connections to the solenoid(s). 2. Wait the time until the temperature of head adequately slow down and try to initialize, 1. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating CS3 Gate detecting sensor.6. The only way to recover from this error is to reprogram the CDU data. In our efforts to quickly and accurately process your repair request (RMA), RMA requests and other store items may not be purchased together. Reboot ATM 2. 2. Failed to read Register of EPP. MB2100T A blockage was detected between the CS12 (upper cash tray sensor) and CS14 (lower cash tray sensor). Remove any notes from path. If the cash is of known good quality then try cleaning the cassette and dispenser. This error is either caused by loss of power to the main board, or is the result of a successful bootloader installation. Check index value of notes each cassette, In case the number of notes detected outlet sensor(CS13) is less thanthe number of required notes, 1. Bills is remained in CS41AB sensor after dispensing bills. Check notes dispensed and rejected 2. Check if printer head lever is properly close, 1. Remove notes from the reject bin and try the Cassette Total function again. Check abnormal clutch. 1. Refer to E7. 9:00 AM 5:00 PM (CST) This error occurs when customer attempts to swipe their card and are unsuccessful. Open the vault door. Check abnormal clutch.4. CDU ROM does not match AP software. Initialize after removing notes or dust over Gate2. Reset the Clean CS1B, CS1A or CS1B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses, 1. Cash Dispenser Unit data(country, cassette, shutter)setting error occurs during initialization. Remove a jammed note on the CDU.3. 1. Reject Bin full. Initializ2. Replenish receipt paper in paper charger2. Remove dust in CS1~CS4 sensor 3. Close the feed tray on the printer. Check telephone line connection. Check vault door switch. To show that the specified protocol does not agree with that of ICC/SAM ICRW still connected. Reinitialize3. 1. After terminating self-test and initialize receipt printer, 1. Phone line connected to ATM will not support data communication. 9701152: EPP is down when it receives an 'Clear Func Key' command: 1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. Reboot ATM. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating CS3 Gate detecting sensor. Remove dust in CS13 Sensor 3. Reboot ATM, Cash Dispenser communication failure during COM port open, When sensing CS2 Dark (Error code, 400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor. 1. After terminating self-test and initialize receipt printer. Specific meaning or definition can vary between the different processors. Check CS8 Sensor Cable 6. Clean CS13. Check notes in Reject Box 2. (See definition of C0011 error) this is typically a bounce back of a bill during dispense causing the exit sensor to remain blocked for a longer time than is expected. This device acquired PCI PTS v5 certification in October 2019. Check the thermal printer head and change if necessary. Hyosung machines are engineered to provide consumers with a functional, user-friendly, secure experience. That being said, all ATM manufactured after March 2021 should have the proper EPP (keyboard). No response from Host Dialing time out to Host. Exchange Sensor after abnormal operating CS3 Gate detecting Sensor 5. Reject error due to long check sheet during check dispense operation. 1. Card could not be set to IC contack position/Failure at sensor PDI. Remove a jammed note between the tray and Cash Dispenser2. 1. Exchange CS8 Encoder Slit Sensor. Initialize 3. Check the shutter motor connection cable. You may need to remove the printer to clear jams. Set the cash cassette. Code reported by host processor (Shazam). Similar to the COO11 error, this would indicate a bill jam close to the exit of the CDU or near the reject bin. 4. Clear the cash tray of any bills or foreign objects. Change CS5_2 Sensor, Error of CS 2, CS13 sensor during initialization, Error of 2 sheets detecting sensor(CS5_1/CS5_2), 1. If this machine is typically stocked with a low amount of bills, we recommend disabling this function. Remove note from the CDU delivery path.2. NOTE: Do NOT use metal objects to clear jams, use a business card or stiff paper. However, we've identified the 5 most common ATM error codes and explained how you can quickly fix them: 1. This is not an error in particular, but a simple warning that someone was locally on-site at the ATM, and used its Operator Function menu. Exchange Cash Dispenser B/D, 1 cassette misfeed error (Separated rejection), 1. Check if CS62 sensor poll is abnormal3. The two codes must match. Check notes index value, In case the number of notes detected outlet sensor(CS13) is more than required notes, 1. Replace Reject Solenoid 1, 1. Check and reseat all belts. Check the status of sensor and its connector, 1. In the case of a dispute from the error, use CDU data in the journal to verify how many notes were actually dispensed. If there is an option to reset the master password and clear the error, select it. Check Cash Dispenser Unit information. Read the CDU version to check CDU CST note index2. Check communication cable 3. 2. Read data of Read Double Sensor Command, 1. 1. Error of being removed 2nd cassette before separate rejection, 1. Check modem and modem cable connection. Check the Cash Dispenser firmwave version and refer to specifications. Check the status of sensor and its connector, 1. ATM Solutions. 1. 8800 ATM Parts; Hyosung TCR Parts; ATM EMV Upgrade Kits. 1. Initialize3. Replenish receipt paper in paper charger. Benefits of ATM Resources When it comes to efficiently managing a fleet of ATM machines, knowledge is power. Check Cash Dispenser Firmware Version. Close the lever of print head completely, 1. There may be a note stuck in the upper part of the cash tray ramp. 2. Remove note from the CDU delivery path.2. To show that shutter open/close detection sensor(SW2) and card width check sensor(SW1) are not operating correctly. Cash quality, condition of the rollers in the cassette can effect this condition. Remove notes on CS2 sensor. Check Sensor(CS6) Poll3. Use a business card or stiff paper to clear jams. Check backup battery. Install after rearranging notes in cassette, Continuous 3 times error if note is long (once tried, twice retried)=>Separated rejection, 1. Clean CS1A, CS1B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses, 1. If all programming appears correct, contact the processor and have them trace the Terminal ID. Check bill jam or no note in cassette #2 2. The ATM attempted to do a reversal and could not. NOTE: Do not use metal objects to clear the jam. Check the abnormal communication cable. Follow the master password reset process for the ATM. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. Set serial number. 1. Depending on the model of dispenser there are different causes and possible solutions. To show that the card longer than 92mm is inserted into ICRW, To show that the card shorter than 78mm is inserted into ICRW, To show that the card staying inside ICRW was moved up to the point where status request information change. Remove dust in CS1A, CS1B Sensor 5. Re-initialize machine, verify connections to mainboard. Exchange CS8 Encoder Slit Sensor, In case the number of notes detected outlet sensor(CS13) is more than required notes, 1. Sensor is located along the delivery path right after where the note exits the 3rd cassette. Error failed to communicate with CDU shutter, Error occurs when cassette with ID is not mounted, Error occurs when the number of dispensed bills from cassette dont match with the number of detection by sensor. Something is detected in C31AB sensor before dispensing bills. Check if Dip switch # 6 is correctly set (Dip switch # 6 is set by On in case of not using Black mark), Sensor detects note in delivery path before CDU dispenses. Check the status of Near End sensor and its connector, 1. 2. Replace the reject solenoid 1, 1. Rearrange notes in cassette 3. Look in error summary for D1800, D2000. hyosung atm epp error 97999 1. 1. ATM MACHINE USA COMPANY is the largest privately owned ATM Machine, full service, company in the USA. (This is equivalent to the -1/-1/-001 error when using Windows RMS). Try different cards. 1. To show that DSR signal was turned to OFF(communication is cut). Check the status of sensor and its connector. 4. Check if the CS3 sensor cable is disconnected (CN10 #9~10)5. Serial port open fail. Check wiring to mainboard. Rearrange notes in Cassette 3. 2. Reboot ATM. * Triton ARGO 15 Triton ARGO 15 Triton ARGO 15 Triton ARGO 15 Triton ARGO 15 Call or Text: 855-646-8286 ATM PROGRAMS Verify operation of exit gate. Check the Cash Dispenser received command 2. Check wiring and CDU mainboard connections. 1. Initialize after Power On/Off 4. 1. Rearrange notes in Cassette 3. 2. 2. Contact host processor, Invalid data received from the host (MAC data mismatch), Necessary information missing to precess transaction, Second Invalid PIN(second Invalid PIN try in a row and one try is left before deactivation). Failed to produce Thread of EPP. Check state of notes in reject box 2. Check received command 2. CS31AB ~ CS13 Time out (Jam) during dispensing bills from fourth cassette. Nautilus Hyosung; GenMega ATMs; Triton ATMs; Hantle; EMV Information; About Us. Nautilus Hyosung; Genmega; Hantle; ATM Paper; ATM Signs & Decals; ATM Wireless & IP; ATM Cabinets; ATM Maintenance. Clean CS2, CS4A sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses, 1. MB1000 check condition of the clutch alignment screw. Do RESET at Operator Function 2. 9722060 Clean CS1A, CS1B and CS13, When more than 5 sheets of cash dispensing is required during a test, 1. Other than upgrading the cash tray or using a sign to warn customers, you can loosen the screws that hold the dispenser and slide it back. This means that while the ATM was initializing it detected a blocked sensor in the cash dispenser (CS4A sensor). Check the abnormal communication cable. Check modem cable 2. 977010. If no bills are present try using compressed air to clean the dispenser (a sensor may be blocked by dust). If error occurs when checking CS11A cable operation, replace a sensor. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. Replace Mainboard. Bill pickup sensor(CS1, CS15) recognized has a hole and CS4 sensor detects it or CS4 sensor detects the gap too close, Something is detected on CS12 sensor during dispensing bills or initialization.-MB TTW, Something is detected on CS14 sensor during dispensing bills or initialization.-MB TTW, Something is detected on CS14 sensor after dispense operation. Check notes index value, 1. Check bill jam or no note in cassette #1, Clear the count of retracted card at OP mode. Do RESET at Operator Function 2. Failed to communicate with Receipt printer when connected to SP open, 1.Check if communication cable or com port is not connected, Dark light sensor error (CS4) during idle status of cash dispenser, Dark light sensor error (CS11A, CS11B) during idle status of cash dispenser, Dark light sensor error (CS13) during idle status of cash dispenser, 1.Replenish receipt paper in paper charger 2.Check the status of Near End sensor and its connctor. Try the reset button on the printer. Receipt printer head overheated before printing. No response from host for 60 seconds. 2. Check the abnormal communication cable.3. Replace the Cash Dispenser B/D, 1. Code reported from host processor Verify all programming. NOTE: This error occurs only if there is no dial tone at the mainboard. 1. Remove jammed paper Release receipt paper drawer by pressing the tab with the green sticker located at the front of the printer. Reboot ATM 2. Check the transaction from the host and try again. Contact telephone company (Check telephone line connection. Description for error code organization, RMS port failure, response time out, modem failure, no dial tone, Verify RMS settings (Host Setup) See D170x, Load notes into the cash cassette use Add Cassette function in Settlement, Parameter is not properly set (Surcharge Owner), Parameter is not properly set (Surcharge Amount), No refresh timer set when advertisement is enabled, Parameter is not properly set (Adver. 1. Verify that CS8 or encoder wheel sensor is in place and wire connection is good. Press Enter -> Clear -> Cancel -> 1 -> 2 -> 3. Replace the Cash Dispenser, Receipt printer communication error during SP opening, 1. Check notes in Reject Box 2. Check CS13 sensor (note jam and dust). 1. Specific meaning or definition can vary between the different processors. Initialize 2. Test Modem. Check if the CIU power cable is connected. Reject error due to short check sheet during check dispense operation. 3. Try clearing the cash tray of notes or foreign objects. Models: 1800CE Initialize. 1. Change Main Motor Encoder Slit Sensor CS8, 1. Disconnected by rejected call from remote party Try again later. Check cable and connection between the CE and printer. Something is detected on CS31A, CS31B sensor during initialization. Call your attendant, Pinpad (EPP) is down when it receives an Initializing command, EPP is down when it receives an Get Status command, EPP is down when it receives an Clear Func Key command, ** Reference WebRMS has failed to dial into the ATM consecutively for more than 3 days. Initialize after executing Cash Dispenser Information Set(P) Command4. Check modem and modem cable connection 2. Verify that the cash is of good quality. Remove any jammed bills from the dispenser, if no bills are present try using compressed air to clean the dispenser (a sensor may be blocked by dust). Remove a dust or foreign objects on the CS13 sensor4. Replenish the cash-if using less than 75 bills, disable the Low Cash Warning in the Transaction Setup Menu. Check foreign objects in the main motor encoder slit 5. Remove a jammed note between the tray and Cash Dispenser 2. Try clearing the cash tray of notes or foreign objects. Print head completely, 1 in the Dispenser ( CS4A sensor ) programming correct! 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