In John Trumbull's famous painting Declaration of Independence, Witherspoon is among those shown in the background facing the large table, the second seated figure from the viewer's right. There he married Catherine Williams, the daughter of a Welsh planter in Antigua, West Indies. [2] Later, he signed the Articles of Confederation and supported ratification of the Constitution of the United States. As the member appointed for New Jersey, I laid the resolution before our Legislature then sitting at Princeton, and recommended to them the great importance of their approaching persons in every county. He became the sixth president of the college, now known as Princeton University. Born in Scotland to a family of clergymen, he was trained to become a Presbyterian minister. He said that "undaunted resolution was displayed on every countenance.". [1] Witherspoon embraced the concepts of Scottish common sense realism, and while president of the College of New Jersey (17681794; now Princeton University) became an influential figure in the development of the United States' national character. Stockton returned to America in August 1767. He resigned his royal appointments and New Jersey elected him to the Continental Congress in June 1776. Roger Sherman (April 19, 1721 - July 23, 1793) was an American statesman, lawyer, and a Founding Father of the United States.He is the only person to sign four of the great state papers of the United States related to the founding: the Continental Association, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and U.S. Constitution. Enter a grandparent's name. Like his father, John Stockton a founder of the College and trustee, Richard served as a trustee of the College of New Jersey for 24 years, as would his eldest son Richard. Five were jailed and brutally treated. Besides paper documents, it is one of four still-existing objects that were present during the Constitutional Convention, along with the Liberty Bell, the chair that George Washington sat in as the Constitutional Convention's . Senators, and 49 United States congressmen. According to John Witherspoon, he arrived on or before July 3rd. The main building, Nassau Hall, was badly damaged, and his papers and personal notes were lost. Half continued to serve their country after the war - several as President, many as members of Congress, governors, and state legislators - and a number of them played a role in drawing up the Constitution of the United States. Jimmy Witherspoon, born in Arkansas, was a master of the blues. In November, 1776, he shut down and then evacuated the College of New Jersey at the approach of British forces. His library, one of the finest in the colonies, was burned. Politically active, Witherspoon was a delegate from New Jersey to the Second Continental Congress and a signatory to the July 4, 1776, Declaration of Independence. He is certainly the cleverest man I have yet seen from America. In London he attended the Queens birthday ball and was presented to King George III, later he had the honor of giving a speech to the King acknowledging the repeal of the Stamp Act and the King was impressed by Stockton. And so it went through the rest of the states, with George Walton of Georgia the last to affix his name to the historic document that day. Stockton was given a parole by General Howe in mid January, requiring him to no longer participate in the war effort as was common on both sides. John Stockton married his cousin Abigail and assumed his wifes Presbyterian faith. John attended the preparatory school in Haddington Scotland. Born on February 05, 1723 in Gifford, East Lothian, Scotland , United Kingdom. She was a close friend and favorite correspondent of General George Washington. He also wrote frequent essays on subjects of interest to the colonies. "John Witherspoon." Rev. Morven is now a State owned Museum, a magnificent home which stands today as a testimonial to the Stockton family. Two important ones included the Committee on Secret Correspondence and the Board of War. The militia commander was signer Thomas Nelson Jr., who noticed that the artillery gunners were shelling everything in the vicinity except his own stately brick mansion, which was being used as British headquarters. The settled opinion among the American founding fathers, including Dr. Witherspoon, was that slavery would eventually disappear naturally within a generation. Stockton was admitted to the bar in 1754, to the grade of counselor in 1758, and in 1763, he received the degree of Sergeant-at-Law the highest degree of law attainable. Ramsay, the celebrated historian. External links:Richard Stockton at the Biographical Directory of the United States CongressBiography by Rev. John Witherspoon, son of James Witherspoon and Anne Walker was baptised in the parish of Yester, East Lothian on 10 February 1723. Dr. Witherspoon enjoyed great success at the College of New Jersey. Following the Jacobite victory at the Battle of Falkirk, he was briefly imprisoned at Doune Castle,[10] which had a long-term effect on his health. Witherspoon has claimed descent from Scottish-born John Witherspoon, who signed the United States Declaration of Independence; however, this claim has not been verified by the Society of the Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence genealogists. by John C. Glynn, Jr. and Kathryn Glynn, 2008, Sources:American Archives. As a minister in the church he might have considered it beneficial to claim he was named after his ancestor.. Could you add the son James in the data and then include him in the 1776 project? The main building, Nassau Hall, was badly damaged and his papers and personal notes were lost. Politically active, Witherspoon was a delegate from New Jersey to the Second Continental Congress and a signatory to the July 4, 1776, Declaration of Independence. New England was unanimously for independence. In late August 1776, Stockton received an equal number of votes with Mr. Livingston, for Governor of New Jersey; when informed Stockton replied he had not the least inclination to serve in the office of Governor. He was then elected Chief Justice of the State and again declined the honor, preferring to remain in Congress and was re-elected to Congress in November 1776. For the next 26 years, he would serve as Princeton's President, helping to make it a great institution for higher learning. All three were captured, refused a British offer of amnesty if they would repudiate the American cause, and were shipped to the Crown stockade at St. Augustine, Florida. [5][6] This latter claim of Knox descent though ancient in origin is long disputed and without primary documentation. On March 25, 1777, General Howe and his brother Lord Howe wrote to Lord George Germain (Secretary of State for the Colonies)in England "My Lord, We have the honor to enclose to your Lordship a state of the Declarations subscribed in consequence of our Proclamation of the 30th of November. He likely also would have been selected to the Constitutional Convention had he not been meeting simultaneously in Philadelphia to draw up a constitution for his own denomination, which paralleled the national document in a number of key respects. All his cattle, horses, hogs, sheep, grain and forage have been carried away by them. I'm researching for a member of his family. After Stockton's death, Annis, one of America's first published female poets, became a favorite correspondent of General Washington. John Witherspoon (February 15, 1723 - November 15, 1794) was a signatory of the United States Declaration of Independence as a representative of New Jersey. Stockton and his wife had six children, four daughters and two sons: Julia Stockton (married to Benjamin Rush, also a signer of the Declaration), Mary, Susan, Richard, Lucius and Abigail. [2] In 1969, the New Jersey Legislature passed legislation establishing a state college which was named after Stockton, to honor the memory of New Jersey's signer of the Declaration of Independence. Nonetheless, he became one of Scotland's leading Presbyterian ministers. Exuberant citizens of Bowling Green, New York hauled down a large equestrian statue of George III and carried it to the Connecticut home of General Oliver Wolcott, a delegate to Congress. His parents were James Witherspoon and Anna Walker. After nearly five weeks of brutal treatment, Stockton was released on parole, his health ruined. Built in 1773 by John Witherspoon, a Signer of the Declaration of Independence and a close friend to Benjamin Franklin and George Washington, the lovingly restored and expanded Tusculum estate offers over 23 acres of beautiful grounds, modern amenities and gracious living - right in the middle of Princeton, NJ. His wife, Elizabeth, with whom he had ten children, wanted to stay in Scotland, but he finally was able to convince her to come with him. While in Scotland as a trustee of the College of New Jersey, Stockton visited Reverend John Witherspoon. Stockton wrote fellow signer Abraham Clark Dear Sir, Before I left Philadelphia Congress appointed a Committee, consisting of one member from each state, to devise ways and means for furnishing the Army with clothing and etc. Dr. Benjamin Rush wrote: The whole of Mr. Stocktons furniture, apparel, and even valuable writings have been burnt. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. After several days of heated debate, final action on Lee's resolution was deferred until July 1st, and men on both sides of the issue used the intervening weeks to lobby for their own positions. Lampo (1942) (CatZDech's Style) 44 Cats (2018) The Aristocats (1970) Lady and the Tramp (1955) Lady and the Tramp 2: Scamp's Adventure (2001) Pokemon (1997) Pokemon: The First Movie (1998) Pikachu's Vacation (1998) Pokemon: The Movie 2000 (1999) Pikachu & Pichu (2000) Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Team Go-Getters out of the Gate (2006) Mickey's Christmas Carol (1983) Sport Goofy in Soccermania . The debate continued into the Fourth of July and, in Jefferson's own words, "seemed as though it would run on interminably. The Presbyterian Constitution of 1787 to which Witherspoon contributed removed provisions from the earlier Westminster Confession that allowed magistrates to suppress blasphemies and heresies, and the U.S. Constitution denied the power of the state to intervene in matters of religious faith (Morrison, 2005: 108). Witherspoon also helped organize Nassau Presbyterian Church in Princeton, New Jersey. Elizabeth Witherspoon died in 1789. He studied law with David Ogden of Newark. He signed the Declaration of Independence, and was a leader in Pennsylvania's ratification of the Constitution in 1788. Charles A. Goodrich, 1856, Convening Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, The mere communication of that congressional order to General Howe was enough to end the persecution of the Clark brothers and they survived their imprisonment. Some of the courses he taught personally were Eloquence or Belles Lettres, Chronology (history), and Divinity. The papers of John Witherspoon include correspondence between and Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Benjamin Rush, Richard Stockton, and others, concerning his acceptance of the presidency of the College of New Jersey and his fundraising visit to Great Britain (1784); ms. biography of Witherspoon by Ashbel Green (1762-1848); and annotated copy of Thomas Crichton's . Born in 1723, he received the finest education available to a bright young gentleman of that era. Caesar Rodney was also afflicted with a painful and unsightly facial cancer. Tonight there was to be no rest for this weary patriot. Moses Coit Tyler "President Witherspoon in the American Revolution" The American Historical Review Volume 1, Issue 1, July 1896. pp. He died from 9 April 1804 to 2 April 1805, in Salem . As the college's primary occupation at the time was training ministers, Witherspoon became a major leader of the early Presbyterian Church in America. The exhausted rider was enthusiastically greeted by Thomas McKean and escorted in to the brick building where some 50 to 60 men were about to decide the fate of a continent. There must be no pulling different ways; we must all hang together." References:Sanderson, Biography of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, page 195, 1831. ref>[1]Sanderson, Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, 1823, page 156, 195.Stryker, William S., The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, Cambridge. He became a Church of Scotland (Presbyterian) minister at Beith, Ayrshire, serving there from 1745 to 1758, where he married Elizabeth Montgomery. Rush and Stockton's recruiting letters can be found in Butterfield, L. H., "John Witherspoon Comes to America", Princeton University Library, Princeton, New Jersey. As to the first it seems to be only that the master has a right to the labors and ingenuity of the servant for a limited time, or at most for life. Reese father earned his living as a surgeon and her mother was a college professor. These Americans had become angry not so much at the amount of the taxes exacted as the realization that this was only the opening move in a program of confiscatory taxation. They had held a Stamp Act Congress in New York during September 1765, and that same year formed the Sons of Liberty, which one observer called, "a mob of gentlemen." John Witherspoon. In 1776, Stockton was elected to the Second Continental Congress, where he took a very active role. A statue of Richard Stockton by Henry Kirke Brown was dedicated by congressional proceedings in 1888 and placed in Statuary Hall in the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. Stockton is one of only six signers to be so honored. In 1764, Stockton became the Grand Master of the first chartered Masonic lodge (St. Johns No 1) in Princeton, New Jersey. He signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776, being the only clergyman and college president to do so. Source: Independence Hall Association, Signers of the Declaration of Independence, Richard Stockton, 1730-1781 -, In 1768, Stockton had his first taste of government service when he was appointed to the governing Council of New Jersey; he was later (1774) appointed to the New Jersey Supreme Court. On his deathbed, John Morton sent these final words to those who had rejected him: " Tell them that they will live to see the hour when they shall acknowledge it [the signing] as the most glorious service I have ever rendered to my country.". Two incidents occurred during Stocktons travels that placed his life in peril. He first took a moderate stance in the troubles between the colonies and England. Because of Stocktons poor health and the parole requiring him not to participate in the war effort he resigned from Congress. . To which the witty Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania replied: "Yes, we must all hang together, or most assuredly, we shall all hang separately. Dr. John Witherspoon, President of Princetion University and a signer of the American Declaration of Independence. Richard and his wife Abigail (nee unknown) were the parents of Richard "The Builder" Stockton, the grandfather of Rihcard "The Signer" Stockton. Stockton's oldest son Richard was an eminent lawyer and later a Senator from New Jersey. Later, he signed the Articles of Confederation and supported ratification of the Constitution. In 1752, John Stockton and his stepfather, Thomas Leonard, gave money and land to establish the College of Princeton (later Princeton University) in Princeton, New Jersey. If Parliament "may take from me one shilling in the pound," argued Richard Henry Lee of Virginia, "what security have I for the other nineteen? Susannah later married Thomas Leonard and remained in Princeton after her husbands death. It took nearly two years to regain his health according to Dr. Although Witherspoon can be heavily credited in the expansion and progression of the University, his ownership ties to the enslavement of Black people in America have caused for an internal Princeton petition to the CPUC Committee on Naming at Princeton University and President Eisgruber for the removal of his statue that currently stands in Firestone Plaza on campus. He said that the task should fall to his rival Jefferson on three counts: "Reason first, you are a Virginian, and Virginia ought to appear at the head of this business. John Penn - John Penn was a self-taught lawyer whose main duty during the Revolutionary War was to keep the North Carolina militia supported with supplies. The other New York signer, Lewis Morris, lost his magnificent estate, "Morrisania", which was sacked and burned. John Witherspoon, an early convert to the Patriot cause, was president of the College of New Jersey (today's Princeton University) and the only clergyman to sign the Declaration of Independence. Boudinot also served as Director of the Mint, and became the first president of the American Bible Society in 1816. The darkest days of his life were spent locked in irons, starving and shivering in the cold winter of 1776-77 in the notorious Provost prison in New York City. [John Witherspoon, Lectures on Moral Philosophy (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Univ. In his lectures on moral philosophy at Princeton, required of all juniors and seniors, Witherspoon argued for the revolutionary right of resistance and recommended checks and balances within government. Whatever their status that August, the 56 men who eventually signed the Declaration of Independence were under no illusions. As of Fall 2022, the petition has garnered over 250 signatures in support of removing the statue on the basis that it is a distraction to the University's mission and makes community members uncomfortable because of Witherspoon's racist history. On July 1st the colonies, balloting according to a majority of each delegation, approved the Lee resolution by a vote of 9-2, with South Carolina and Pennsylvania opposed, Delaware deadlocked and New York abstaining. When at last all his attempts to change the minds of the British failed, he decided he must, when given a choice of King or country, choose his native country. In 1776 he was elected to the Continental Congress in time to urge adoption of the Declaration of Independence and to be the only clergyman to sign it. He was in private practice as an otolaryngologist until 2012. Witherspoon had been a prominent evangelical Presbyterian minister in Scotland before accepting the Princeton position. Stockton was an active and influential member of Congress. He was an affectionate husband, a tender parent and a cordial friend. Witherspoon was responsible for its rebuilding after the war, which caused him great personal and financial difficulty. He quickly sided with the patriots who favored independence, and in June 1776, he was elected to Congress. Witherspoon embraced the concepts of Scottish common sense realism, and while president of the College of New Jersey became an influential figure in the development of the United States' national character . Witherspoon was a proponent of Christian values, his common sense approach to the public morality of civil magistrates was influenced by the ethics of Scottish philosophers Francis Hutcheson and Reid rather than Jonathan Edwards. By invitation he spent a week at the country estate of the Marquis of Rockingham and was entertained by the Earl of Chatham, the Earl of Chesterfield and other distinguished members of Parliament friendly to the American Colonies. In 1776, Stockton was elected to the Continental Congress, where he took a very active role. John Witherspoon brought some impressive credentials and a measure of public acclaim with him when he joined the colonies in 1768, as president of the College of New Jersey (now Princeton). Anna was John's first teacher. In 1772, fifteen year old Alexander Hamilton arrived from the West Indies and lived with Elias and Hanna for two years. In this connection it may be noted that in 1790 President Witherspoon, while a member of the New Jersey Legislature, was chairman of a committee on the abolition of slavery in the state, and brought in a report advising no action, on the ground that the law already forbade the importation of slaves and encouraged voluntary manumission. At age 68, he married a 24-year-old widow, with whom he had two more children. [23] An inventory of Witherspoon's possessions taken at his death included "two slaves valued at a hundred dollars each".[24]. He proceeded to Edinburgh where he attained a Master of Arts, then to four years of divinity school. Born in Scotland and educated at the University of Edinburgh, Witherspoon was well known for his publications in Scotland before he was invited to be president of the College of New Jersey (todays Princeton University), where he succeeded Jonathan Edwards and served from 1768 until 1794. One of her poems about General Washington, on the surrender of Lord Cornwallis, shows how highly Washington esteemed these complimentary writings by the letter he wrote Annis. One lost all 13 of his children; and the wives, sons, and daughters of others were killed, imprisoned, harassed, or deprived of all material possessions. John Stockton, Abigail Stockton (born Phillips), Hannah Boudinot (born Stockton), Susanna Pintard (born Stockton), Rev. in New Orleans, Louisiana , United States (46 years), This form allows you to report an error or to submit additional information about this family tree: Reese WITHERSPOON (1976), Copyright Wikipdia authors - This article is under licence CC BY-SA 3.0. Her mother, Dr. Mary Elizabeth "Betty" Witherspoon (ne Reese), is from Harriman, Tennessee. American affairs assumed great importance in England at that time and the opinions of so distinguished an American were sought after. He became a Church of Scotland (Presbyterian) minister at Beith, Ayrshire (17451758), where he married Elizabeth Montgomery of Craighouse. In his Lectures on Divinity, Rev. But a declining health and constitution worn out with application and with service obliged him, shortly after, to retire from the line of public duty, and hath at length dismissed him from the world. He was buried at Stony Brook Quaker Cemetery in Princeton, New Jersey among his Quaker ancestors. Please, is a professor of political science and dean of the Honors College at Middle Tennessee State University. The oldest, James, was a major in the Revolutionary army, and fell at the battle of Germantown. Some are superior to others in mental powers and intellectual improvementsome by the great increase of their property through their own, or their predecessors industry, and some make it their choice, finding they cannot live otherwise better, to let out their labor to others for hire. However, he changed his position a year later when the controversy over the Stamp Act arose. in Gifford, East Lothian, Scotland , United Kingdom, Died on November 15, 1794 McKean and George Read, the other two representatives from Delaware, were split on the issue of independence and Caesar Rodney's vote was needed if Delaware was to join the United States of America. John Witherspoon was the only clergyman and the only college president to sign the Declaration of Independence. The Document | Anna, the eldest daughter, married Reverend Samuel Smith on June 28, 1775. Can someone please show primary source documentation that his middle name was Knox, because I find only that there is no middle name. 67179. [1] Witherspoon embraced the concepts of Scottish common sense realism, and while president of the College of New Jersey (1768-1794; now Princeton University) became an influential figure in the development of the . In January, however, a sensational pamphlet appeared in Philadelphia and stirred more revolutionary fervor than anything that had been written to that time. The servant therefore retains all his other natural rights. The British occupied the area and did much damage to the college, nearly destroyed it. Husband of Annis Boudinot Stockton And Charles Carroll, a new delegate from Maryland and one of the wealthiest men in America, replied as he was asked by Hancock if he would sign: "Most willingly." Only John Hancock signed the declaration that day, and a formal signing by all the delegates was scheduled for August 2nd. That Jefferson did his job well is obvious to anyone who has read the Declaration of Independence, particularly his statement of the self-evident truths that "all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. "These are the times that try men's souls," Thomas Paine wrote in COMMON SENSE. Joseph Hewes died in 1779, literally from overwork, a lonely man separated by principle from his Quaker friends and family. Of James Witherspoon and Anne Walker was baptised in the colonies and England as Director of courses... Settled opinion among the American founding fathers, including dr. Witherspoon, born in before! Personally were Eloquence or Belles Lettres, Chronology ( history ), is a of! Pulling different ways ; we must all hang together. or Belles Lettres Chronology... A close friend and favorite correspondent of General Washington Witherspoon in the parish Yester! Favorite correspondent of General George Washington took a very active role was burned years to regain health... Of British forces the West Indies personal notes were lost try men 's souls, '' Thomas wrote... Lawyer and later a Senator from New Jersey among his Quaker friends family. 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