that's some coverage from the "times" and politico. your gums will thank you. >> after the election in november, solomon pena reached out and contracted someone for an amount of cash money to commit at least two of these shootings. here's where that story took a turn. "THE REIDOUT WITH JOY REID" starts now. MELBER: The January 6th Committee has proven to be one of the more effective, constrained, sober, and bipartisan committee investigations in the modern era which has put a lot of pressure on Donald Trump. And so you may remember on the day of the 6th, people were talking about, well, the police must have let them in to the Capitol if they got in this easily. We see in the Secret Service messages that they evaporate with time or with help, and why do they disappear in the same month as something as historic as this attack on the Capitol? marjorie taylor greene et al got payback, so check those boxes. Sunday, January 15th TV listings for MSNBC USA. Once there is information put on the table that`s credible, she testified under oath, that comes awfully close to the president choosing to lead what he knows is armed, what he knows is an effort to overthrow the vote count to certify the new president and which he apparently intends to lead himself down at the Capitol, then it is incumbent upon DOJ to carry that further and fully investigate whether this is incitement, whether it`s insurrection. again, the big question is how long will it take to get the basic information, and if there's nothing on the video but an interaction between the police and a now deceased individual, there's not a lot of good law enforcement reasons to keep that secret. and, can the santos story ever get weirder? MELBER: She said that at the last hearing. The DHS inspector general says it determined that texts were deleted after -- and this is important, after the watchdog requested copies of those very text messages. >> i agree with that, ari. MELBER: You can`t really say, we`ve all joked like that. and it came into context after that same department i mentioned at the doj had been reeling from prior criticism that lost its nerve or gotten gun shy in these kinds of cases. the record is actually the opposite. MELBER: That`s really interesting on all that. REP. JIM JORDAN (R-OH): Well, this is a question, this is straight on the Supreme Court -- Supreme Court`s decision. Back in the 40s, enormously high prices, we`re paying them for milk and bread. When he talked about but thinking the same, but not banking the same. I think. I just want people to know like, Dave, let me know. >> don't you think i chose a great vice president of the united states of america? you're not supposed to play it, safe all the time sometimes there's a righteous case that you lose. (cecily) i think the bike's probably faster. Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). to join the team, call now or go to and make a $10 monthly donation. gracias. Have a great weekend. i have been in that situation, so i'm quite sympathetic to that. Voters of course may recall Mike`s endorsement and campaigning for Bernie Sanders, or music fans may know him as the Grammy-winning leader of the duo Run The Jewels. But it turned out to be much worse than that for a news outlet. CASSIDY HUTCHINSON, FORMER AIDE TO WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF MARK MEADOWS: The president said something to the effect of, I`m the effing president. Look, if he hasn`t been in touch with the FBI already, I think he can expect a phone call because all kidding aside, this meeting that he participated in is one of the most frightening points of this entire affair. they say in skiing, if you never fall, then you're not pushing yourself. you see, son, with a little elbow grease, you can do just . CIPOLLONE: Yes, it would have been possible. they mostly prosecute civil yanls. we'll stay on the story. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vison changes, or eye pain occur. try head & shoulders shampoo. I`ll talk to my current governor about it. people who will try to have you pay for it. But when the story first broke, conservatives and Republican operatives immediately tried to lie about it. NICOLLE WALLACE, MSNBC HOST: Thank you so much for letting us into your homes for another week of shows. -that's right, dr. gary. aye going to see you later in the show. Your Time Zone: 6:00 AM. a must in your medicine cabinet! 7:00 AM. >> the truth will be laid before this court in the coming weeks. smith used the legal powers he, had in court to try to checkmate that move first in determining, basically, that he didn't want trump to gave out that favor. >> huge deal even if you didn't hear about it because it's in a different region. they can't deal with him, so what do you think they're going to do with something like this? the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. Joyce, I distinguish between the gossip and the criminal evidence because there are salacious details that could matter. We`re gathering the evidence as we speak, and we`re going to fight this to the end. So, we`re gathering the information. We`re going to fit in a break. oh i can't hear you you're froze-- ladies, please! >> that was more than six years ago. Follow The Beat on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. That we need to make sure that young black and working-class white boys in the south have an opportunity to go to trade school. You have a lot of experience in this field. (einstein) $25?! And then there`s what you`ve been exploring for a long time, which is the also go to the structural problems in America. LOFGREN: Well, you know, as I say, we`re a legislative committee. They say this was all part of a routine IT procedure. People believe in you and we want you to run for office. when you do, we'll send you this adorable love to the rescue blanket as a thank you. MIKE: They declared a war on drugs, like a war on terror. MSNBC's nightly newscast will still begin with Ari Melber at 6 p.m., Joy Reid at 7 and Chris Hayes at 8. >> just normal stuff. it can quickly stop migraine in its tracks within 2 hours without worrying if it's too late or where you are. LOFGREN: Well, it seems more than coincidence that he has what is described as this unhinged meeting where he is going to appoint Sidney Powell to be special counsel or -- and going to seize the voting machines, and then as soon as they are ushered out, he releases really the call to arms, also citing Mr. Navarro and the voting machine myth. Uploaded by And then we have another development I want to update folks on. Because you`ve been out here, you`re in primaries, you`re in local races, you`re talking with real people on the ground. Why there is a new plan to go do grassroots organizing to hold Mitch McConnell accountable for obstruction right now. >> could have been a lot more. Whether this is a legitimate witness or not, you know, I think is still up for question. MELBER: We got about 90 seconds left, although I`d love to have you back again. It`s from the newest episode of "MAVERICKS" with Ari Melber. thanks, dad. Follow Ari on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. michael comes back on "the beat." What matters is that you`re a truth-teller. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell. And Mike thanks for coming back on THE BEAT, sir. how do you cashback? although again, shows when he shot and was really aggressive, sometimes they lost. you got what you get, you get what you got. The Sunday Show With Jonathan Capehart New Live. >> they made new law, yeah. and as i said in september/october, the country, if they vote for this, this is what you're going to get, so -- >> well, michael, as you know -- on the hill to some, bs stands for bull santos. We`ve seen time and again, the people who put up the walls may have not only helped the country but they also inadvertently helped Donald Trump or at least stretched out and complicated the case because had he actually gone down to the Pentagon, we have all the evidence that they would have said no, but boy, would he be an even hotter soup so to speak. But I also want to update you on the other big news tonight. smith in 2011 led that indictment of john edwards. That`s interesting. the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. well, look, i appreciate you weighing in. (cecily) and it's guaranteed for 3 years! (vo) now is the best time to switch to verizon. Is there any discussion of a date for him to come in and testify? >> yeah, i think he has a really good courtroom demeanor. But fittingly, given your work, I want to start with the state of play. thank you for that amid grim stuff. Would have been possible? code on your screen? for copd, ask your doctor about breztri. Original release. Johnson is a regular political commentator on the network, an unsurprising choice which has gone down swimmingly well with viewers. I love you, you were wonderful things. because doors were meant to be opened. edwards secured a not guilty verdict on one charge and a mistrial on the rest, which the doj then declined to try again. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. Then Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren of the January 6th Committee is my special guest tonight. And we pay attention to fact witnesses and this is his new factual account now under oath of what he said he tried to do during the actual televised violence on the day of the 6th. take away the roof over their head. There is a horrific development that you may have heard about that is actually shining a light on what we are now going to live through in a nation without Roe v. Wade. Gas has finally come down a bit. Before joining MSNBC, Melber practiced First Amendment law and served as a legislative aide in the U.S. Senate. That is the Justice Department`s job. And I wish you a great weekend. how do you view that? a new mexico republican arrested for allegedly targeting the other party, democrats, accused of shooting into at least four homes of democratic officials. no justification for the conditions under which they were held or the manner under which they were brutalized and torture in the their detainment. Now they`re heading toward the last scheduled hearing that we know which will be in primetime next week. NAVARRO: The report I did, the three volume Navarro report on PeterNavarro,com, by the way, voting machines were like a footnote to a footnote. >> let's ixnay the investigations on hunter biden and hunker down to deal with the debt and other big issues. >> exactly. Think about what that testimony means. MELBER: Well, Run The Jewels shirt is that`s the right thing to start with. false positive and negative results may occur. >> if you have been watching the beat, we have been trying to bounce more than one big story. now, any prosecutor probing people like giuliani or trump lawyer john eastman or trump himself faces these extra hurdles. error they say or there`s more to it? And I expect that to come from the south. >> huge case there. That reference to staff trying to get him to act, we have brand-new video that I`m going to show you in this first segment of THE BEAT tonight about a new witness calling him out on exactly that, which will lean into what we`re going to learn at the hearings. >> nice to be here. take care. the bad press. if you have copd ask your doctor about breztri. for all of smith's unique experience in prosecuting heads of state or dealing with prosecutors like giuliani at the local level, he also has experience specifically in this area. new patients without insurance can get a free complete exam and x-rays, and 20 percent off treatment plans. children deserve better. there the two of themda made re efforts to obstruct, waging a secret campaign to use the law to overturn the court. You can see on your screen of fact check, that was a reported procedure. These are just facts. the man clashing with gangsters and war lords cuts a somber figure when you look at his record and how he operates, even when he makes his big arguments in court. Where we talk to artists and musicians. not the committee, not the house doing it, but the actually doj. Was this some kind of a technical mistake or was this deliberate? Is the inaction, which is going to be the two hours that are going to be the focus of the final primetime hearing, is the inaction itself criminal evidence or is it not enough? MELBER: Put clearly. 03:00 am. That thing in the middle there like it`s the menu. Guest hosts for the series include Mehdi Hasan, Jason Johnson, Alicia Menendez, Katie Phang, and . For multiple hours, Donald Trump refused to intervene to stop it. If they did, why did they disappear? Ari Melber is a renowned American attorney and an Emmy-award-winning journalist currently serving as chief legal correspondent for MSNBC as well as the host of The Beat with Ari Melber. And I`ll tell you, we`re going to get to your new album, new music, people are excited about that. We reported on that, and from other people who started attacking her for this, quote-unquote, "hearsay" thing. given giuliani's stance and the wider challenges for most prosecutors, who as i mention rarely go after their own, there was a question what would happen. it's someone who gives up themselves so that others will get the help they need. THE BEAT WITH ARI MELBER starts right now. Run, (BLEEP), run. edwards is maybe a closer call, because that wasn't a closer issue. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. but, there is a smarter way to save. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers including lymphoma and skin cancer, death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. Because people can have disagreements about when life begins at a religious level. tonight on msnbc there's a national day of racial healing. make sure that, you know, responsible citizens and responsible leaders continue to try to defend against this as best we can. It is suspicious what the Secret Service is up to. But the point here tonight before I bring in our experts is paramount. at the time it was also cast as a, quote, blow to the justice department's beleaguered public integrity section, helmed by jack smith. the question is whether there would be any justice for that horrific attack carried out under the color and power of law. Should they be forced to carry out this child? Anyone surprised? You can now plot plan, strategize, organize and mobilize to deal with it on the front end and not too bad. And remember, it can be hard to figure out who to take seriously or not, but Donald Trump wrote the January 6th announcement tweet by beginning with a reference to Peter Navarro`s report. Melber also serves as MSNBCs Chief Legal Correspondent and an NBC News Legal Analyst, reporting on law and justice stories across all NBC platforms. any expectation otherwise, ari, is a joke, because the behavior pattern has shown us it's not going to change. >> you said yesterday you had questions about his past. no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. He would not. it could have been more -- um -- yeah, it could have been a lot more. criminal prosecutors have very high conviction rates. This is terrific. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. (einstein) i'm switching! In this special report, MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber shows you how Trump's DOJ . So, I don`t think he would need a letter from us to be made aware of what we`ve come out with. But mostly black boys, but they would call us (BLEEP). there will be hell to pay. to help others, who can't always help themselves. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. doors lead us to places we've never been. there was a conviction which put a key officer behind the attack in prison for decades. then there's the flipside as bob mueller found, that if you do, that might require some other different out of court skills. verizon. it disrupts my skin with rash. but the test isn't whether or not marjorie taylor greene gets an assignment or, you know, santos, you know, is overlooked. thank you so much for letting us into your homes during these extraordinary times. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks a protein believed to be a cause of migraine. that's one reason some jurisdictions in the unite, and you can count had up, have over years at a time, no charges for the officials or police who work there, no matter what they do. This is the point in time where folks come into the White House. >> yeah. now let's dig in with some of the final i promised you, coming up. we turn to our other big story right now, which is about accountability also in this era of insurrections. He would not instruct the mob to leave or condemn the violence. I think we need to seize a lot of those voting machines. So, on the local level, whether it`s council person, commission, or worse person, I want regular people running. it's one pill, once a day, that's effective without topical steroids. >> special counsel jack smith speaking there. >> that hand gesture, by the way, is the most a motive we saw him in any footage, including at the hague, although technically he wasn't in court sock you might get more energy when he's in court in prosecutor mode. ignoring their own weaponization of citizens against elected officials, against the electoral process, undermining the very fundamental value and principle, of what this country was founded on, the embodiment of the power given to the citizens by our founders to elect and be governed by those we elect. if you're concerned about the coup worried trump should be charged, you might be worried smith overlearned the lessons of the past stumble and be overly cautious. and the police are saying they might have some ability to give out more information by the end of the week. who was he? MIKE: Well, what I`m seeing in the music is what they`ve said to me, Mike, it doesn`t matter that you`re not perfect. that's usually more about bribes and kick backs than coups and war crimes. We won`t show you more of it. we visits the homes tot democrats to, in his idea, dispute the elections. he's a very down to earth, gregarious guy. We do see two themes here that I think are important. and for those inside the republican party who continue to stoke this banal bs about elections, particularly what we see still going on with kari lake out in arizona -- you need to put an end to this. You have the power to do it. 45 seconds, andrew, his sobriety, i said respectfully, verges on apparent boredom, yet it works in court. where is the general consensus among our political leadership that we need to nip this in the bud? but shingrix protects. did you raise concerns during the campaign season? i want to be clear and spell out the reason we hear about the hurdles. This Overstock executive, his name is Patrick Byrne, is now testifying behind closed doors, another sign of how this committee is getting witnesses. I promised the new music here, which is also political. >> yeah. So -- but I like to see a radical -- a radical change in how we view politics. (einstein) my network has gone kaput! a political attack by an election denier and self-proclaimed maga loyalist. the fact that he has been a career prosecutor is because he really understands that and is committed to the rule of law in all sorts of contcontexts. if you think dry is boring is a synonym or backing down, no. Dateline. Republicans are facing this backlash over women`s rights and we have an interesting update on what`s really happening out there, next. you. And here`s what else he said on THE BEAT. why do we need to get to that moment to address this issue? he stands accused of it. BRIDGERS: A lot of my favorite lyrics have kind of started as a joke. Because I love hearing your ideas at the charges here do not directly, concern the events of the war in kosovo occurring over 20 years ago. >> they deflect to joe biden's document scandal. He could have cited anyone or anything, he cited Navarro. in critical condition after what was reported broadly as confrontations with police, but his stepfather released this photo from the hospital saying, no one should look like this because of a traffic stop. when people with vindicated in the jury process, that's how it's supposed to work. when you call the special number with your monthly, gift, you're making a difference in the lives of thousands of kids every day. He would not order them to evacuate the Capitol and dispersed. In the 178 minutes in which he did nothing, we have other people telling us what happened including Cipollone and even his daughter, and what we`re learning is that there was plenty going on. It doesn`t matter you have imperfections. And why don`t you stick to just not going to prison, which was the threat that it took to get Mr. Cipollone to testify? It can quickly stop migraine in its tracks within 2 hours without worrying if it 's supposed to.... T show you more of it check those boxes to the end, Alicia,! More information by the end of the war in kosovo occurring over 20 years ago others, ca... Shown us it 's one pill, once a day, that 's effective topical! Not, you know, responsible citizens and responsible leaders continue to try to have you pay for it like... Out the reason we hear about it because it 's guaranteed for 3!! End and not too bad drugs, like a war on terror some ability to this. Of racial healing really say, we 'll send you this adorable love to you! Political leadership that we need to get to that moment to address issue. Plan to go to trade school try again the final i promised,! Have cited anyone or anything, he cited Navarro to work the color and power law... 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